Monday, July 22, 2013

wishlist I

It's the world's least heavily guarded secret that I can't control myself when it comes to Modcloth. My brother got me a gift card for my last birthday, and within about a nanosecond I was deluded into thinking I had the purchasing power of Queen Victoria before her Diamond Jubilee. For someone like myself who generally describes themselves as "the sort of person who likes to shop around"...(translation: really cheap)...the outcome was shameful. I bought five dresses and a Great Gatsby sweater all at once. To my credit, I wear all of those things all the time. 

Okay, not so much the sweater, since it's been known to reach 120 degrees where I live around this time of year, but it's sitting in my closet eagerly anticipating autumn. 

I digress.

I spend a fair amount of time daily on this website, and my wishlist is so extensive, I'm almost embarrassed to share even part of it with you. Honestly, this is just the first eight that came to mind. This doesn't even include the skirt section, let alone the shoes or tops. I may have a very real problem. 

Oh, well!

Here's a list of my current lovelies that are hopping in and out of my shopping cart. If I cover up the prices, it isn't that bad.

If anyone is interested, in order from left to right, here are the aforementioned articles of clothing:

1. Jetting Ready Dress
2. Doll in All Dress (this one is mostly sold out, as a warning)
3. Too Much Fun Dress in Airplanes
4. Bernie Dexter Year Abroad Dress
5. Too Much Fun Dress in Cherry
6. Sea Shanty Singing Dress in Navy
7. High Socie-tea Dress
8. Too Much Fun Dress in Boats

I'm really not kidding when I say I could do this forever. I knew every single one of those dresses' names by heart (because seriously, how cute are some of those?)...and my browser even knows that 9 times out of 10 something I type is going to be related to Modcloth.

Someday, I'll be able to afford half of one of these...

To be fair, I do have a decent amount of this shop's clothes in my closet. All my pieces get a lot of love. It's kind of surprising...lately, my tastes have been shifting more towards "buy less things that I love for a little bit more money" as opposed to "buy more things that I'm okay with for cheaper".

It must be part of growing up, I guess?

Any fellow Modcloth lovers out there? How do you deal with your addiction to these adorable prints?

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