Friday, March 28, 2014

mystery boxes that technically count as gambling

If you know me (which I imagine you must at least a little bit to even be here), you know of my attraction to fun retro dresses that come in wild prints and usually involve crinolines. I should buy stock in Modcloth, because I'm pretty sure I spend way too much time on that website.

With that in mind, here's a little-known fact about me: I most definitely have the potential to become addicted to gambling. I specifically avoid situations that involve games of chance unless I know the stakes aren't actually that high, but even then...well, let's just say it still sort of shows. Marcus took me on a double date to Amazing Jake's once, and I spent all of my tokens on that machine where the wheel is spinning and you try to knock the other coins off. I was glued to that thing for the better part of an hour trying to figure out the right angles to maximize my winnings--and I kept saying (out loud) "okay, one more, then I'm done with this ridiculous game." (I ended up hitting the jackpot on my last token and won literally eight hundred tickets, which is not really setting a good example, but I digress.)

There's something about taking a small risk that just appeals to me. In fact, I think most of us can attest to that, because this Stylish Surprise event that Modcloth put out was so huge it broke the website for a little bit. For anyone who hasn't tried it before, you can order (depending on whether you get there in time) a mystery box full of apparel, shoes, accessories or "apartment" items. They changed the prices, so this particular round only cost $10 for clothes or shoes--it used to be $15, so that's really not too bad. The deal is, they send you a completely random item. Some people get exceedingly lucky and receive boxes of dresses that originally sold for hundreds of dollars. The rest of us...well, we get stories like this one. 

I've never actually gotten a Stylish Surprise that I liked. You'd think after the first (maybe second) time trying it, I'd learn to just keep my money. Unfortunately, $10 is just cheap enough that you think "well, not a whole lot's not worth at least ten bucks! Why not give it another try? I've already gotten some really ugly stuff, so logically, that means I'm due for a good haul any day now!"

Now we're going to talk about what happens when you give in to that urge to purchase a mystery box.  

This thing happens. By the way, the front was entirely ripped. I thought it was just part of the dress until my mom was like, "Katie, that's torn."

Now, I'm not sure exactly who's reading this. Depending on your personality, I guess you could be sitting there thinking, "come on, Katie, it's not that bad. That shade of mint is actually sort of refreshing when paired with those drunken stripes."

I thought you might be skeptical, so for research purposes, I actually donned the garment in question.

In my defense, the moccasins kind of make the outfit.

When I came into the kitchen with this on, everyone literally stopped eating because they had to focus their full attention on laughing. Marcus commented that my new dress looked quite a lot like maternity wear. Again, for research purposes, I had to see what this was all about. 

As it happened, he was correct. Using the melon from the previous picture, I was able to conclude that this would absolutely serve as a suitable maternity dress for someone who didn't mind looking like one of those Icee's they sell at the movies. I don't think I've ever heard my mom laugh so hard. My dog, as seen in the bottom corner of the photograph, was horrendously offended by my outfit and actually did bark at me until I took it off.

In closing, Modcloth has figured out a very effective gambling system. Should I probably give up on it? Yes, absolutely. Will I participate again? I mean, probably. It's like they can sense when you're having a long day at work or a bad week or something. The timing on these events is impeccable. When I bought this one, I was literally sitting on my break thinking, "Jesus, this day is endless--oh, no way, they marked Stylish Surprises down to $10?!" 

All that aside, it's sort of a fun little thing to do if you have an extra $10 laying around (assuming you only choose to buy one, I guess--some friends of mine really stock up, and I have to admire their fortitude). I was happy to share my own personal results from this round because, well, if you're ever feeling down about something, just remember you don't ever have to wear this dress.

I will say, I have officially been surprised.

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