Sunday, April 20, 2014

milkshakes and cherry red

Spring and summer always seem to come along with a ton of cute new hairstyles! This time last year, I had recently gotten a pixie cut, so I wasn't really able to participate in too many (though I did acquire a wide array of hair accessories!)

This year, I've heard a lot about something called a "milkmaid braid". Now, I'm not even positive that what I put into my hair today could be called a milkmaid braid, but I was still very excited to try it out. It took seven thousand bobby pins, but it stayed put all day! I sometimes have to remember to experiment more with different hairstyles, because when I find one I enjoy, I tend to stick with it most days. Of course, there's certainly nothing wrong with that, but once in awhile it's fun to try something new! As my hair grows, I'm sure it will be easier to make this particular style happen without using my entire artillery of pins. Oh, who cares about that--I enjoyed myself!

This is one of my favorite dresses in the entire world. I bought it a little over a year ago with a gift card to Modcloth that my brother got me for my birthday. I've had a love affair going on with the color mint for awhile now, and when I saw a garment that combined it with milkshakes, I was sold. (Never mind how that eventually led me to discover--and begin collecting--all the other cute patterns Sugarhill Boutique is famous for putting on their clothing...) It was one of the first times I'd ever seen mint paired with bright red before, and I loved the combination! Prior to that, I actually used to think pastels could only ever go with other pastels. That's part of what I enjoy about clothes--they can definitely challenge you to step outside your comfort zone and experiment.

Following that topic to this one last thought, something occurred to me today while I was taking pictures of my outfit. Personally, when I'm browsing pictures on blogs, Pinterest or style galleries, I can definitely appreciate complicated looks. By that, I mean that even if I see something that looks sort of impractical for daily life, I still very much enjoy seeing how it looks modeled in a photo. However, when I'm looking for things that I would wear myself, I tend to favor more relatable styles. I have insane respect for anyone who can work a five-inch heel, but I do admit that I lack the necessary grace to wear them with any sort of frequency. For that reason, I have very much come to love low heels! Chelsea Crew is one brand that comes to mind that makes a ton of styles, and I actually own quite a few pairs because of their versatility and comfort. I also recently ordered my first pair of B.A.I.T heels, which should be getting here soon--I'm excited to share those, too!

Anyway, the point of all that was to put in my two cents: I think lower heels are a perfect way to add a little something extra to your outfit while not sacrificing comfort. They're also convenient because they can be dressed up or down: I've worn my little heels to fancy events, like dances and conferences, but I don't feel overdressed if I wear them out with friends or on a date. For the most part, I don't go out of my way to take pictures of something I wouldn't actually keep on all day long. I've taken this particular set of heels to the mall and the grocery store, and they do a fine job of keeping me comfortable while enabling me to feel a little dressed up.

Dress: Milkshake, Rattle and Roll (sold out, can still be found on eBay!)
Shoes: Chelsea Crew Malibu Pump in Red (they have other colors here)
Belt: Forever 21

Try the complicated hairstyle. Try those colors you don't think will go together, and definitely try those shoes with that outfit. Fashion is such a wonderful way to play around and see what you like. It's been said over and over by so many people, but there's merit to it: your style is one of the greatest forms of expression! I've become a lot more confident since embracing the mentality that I should quit worrying or feeling self-conscious and just try it. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you get to do something different. 

My only advice is that you keep extra bobby pins at the ready! ;)

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