Thursday, June 12, 2014

happy birthday, mom!

Today was my mom's birthday, and even though we're on opposite sides of the country now, I couldn't just let it go unnoticed. 

She's the most incredible mother in the world.

We've been best friends since I was born. She always said she used to carry me around the house and dance with me to that 1990's bluegrass country music I pretend not to really enjoy too much anymore. She said I was her company. The three of us were, and when my brothers were born we did everything together. Even into my 20's, she'd spend the day just walking around the mall with me or getting coffee. I still ask her what I should do about everything even if I know the answer--whether I'm buying clothes or sorting out more pressing life issues, I at least have to ask her. She always seemed to have the right answer.

She's so easygoing and mellow, but damn, did she teach us how to work hard and be good people. You never messed around with our mom, and I'd argue that you still don't. She always seemed to keep such a great balance between friendship and parenthood. I never felt the need to keep anything from her, because no matter what you tell her, she listens. I love seeing her around her family members, because they really seem to bring out her sillier side. From what I hear, she's doing great in Ohio and really coming into herself more. 

I love my mom. She's played a lot of roles in all of our lives, and she's always put us first. Now that we're older, we try to do the same for her. We've had our issues--for example, she's no longer allowed to plan trips, because her favorite thing to do is wait until the last minute to do anything--but honestly, what is that? It's mostly just funny in retrospect. We went through a terrible year together, but I know she's on her way to happiness now. She really deserves it more than anyone I know. 

Happy birthday, Mom!

(Isn't she cute? Everyone's shocked when she says she has kids in their late teens and early twenties.)

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